Thursday, October 12, 2017

"Black Swan" Anxiety Has Never Been Higher

The Fed"s Williams warns that they "don"t want there to be excesses in financial markets... "

Two quick things...

The market has almost never been this expensive...

As Peter Boockvar warns: "Almost there. S&P 500 price to sales ratio is just 4% from March 2000 peak."

And investors have never been more concerned about "black swans"...

As Bloomberg notes, concern is building that years of record-setting gains for U.S. stocks may give way to a market plunge, according to Jim Paulsen, Leuthold Group Inc.’s chief investment strategist. In a report Monday, he cited the Chicago Board Options Exchange’s SKEW Index, which shows the perceived risk for a so-called black-swan event that’s reflected in S&P 500 Index option prices.

Trade accordingly...

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