Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Mika Brzezinski: There Are 'Literally' No Real Men in the White House Who Can Stop Trump

Content originally published at

Ever since the election season began, the left has been going "literally" apeshit over Trump"s usage of Twitter. In recent month"s they"ve been autistically screeching over it -- demanding that Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, ban him. They"ve trotted out GOP deep state shills, neocons, professors, think tankfags -- all trying to dissuade the President from using a platform that communicates directly to the people.

The main stream media, feeling threatened by the President cutting them out from the middle man position, have been pursuing a scorched earth strategy -- attempting to remove him from the White House, while also reminding him that "voters" hate his fucking twitter account.

Today, Mika Brzezinski called out the men inside the White House for failing to stop the President from using his Twitter account.

Main stream media has been constant with their opeds, some even trying to accuse the President"s use of the social media platform as "unconstitutional." Here are just as handle of titles by those livid with the President.

If Trump is such a dunce for tweeting and is hurting himself politically, why the fuck do the leftards care? If anything, they should be elated by it -- since it only serves to hurt him, as they so readily like to say. Another theory is they"re control freaks who chimp out at the idea that Trump crushed Hillary Clinton, whilst spending 1/3rd of her campaign budget on traditional media, catching waves and having fun --  memeing all day like a boss on Twitter -- shitposting his way into the oval office.

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