Friday, March 31, 2017

Obama operatives in the EPA plant Trump attack in press release for executive order

Obvious purposeful action labeled a "mistake"

(INTELLIHUB) — The Environmental Protection Agency apologized Thursday after “mistakenly” releasing a press release that attacked the president over an executive order that removes many of the Obama-era climate change policies.

In the release, the EPA not only allowed a direct attack from a Democrat to be included, they misattributed the negative statement as one coming from a Republican.

As The Hill reported, “In the release, the EPA included quotes praising Trump’s Tuesday order to start undoing former President Barack Obama’s climate actions, but it misattributed a negative statement to Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.).”

“With this Executive Order, President Trump has chosen to recklessly bury his head in the sand. Walking away from the Clean Power Plan and other climate initiatives, including critical resiliency projects is not just irresponsible — it’s irrational,” the release quoted Capito as saying.

“Today’s executive order calls into question America’s credibility and our commitment to tackling the greatest environmental challenge of our lifetime.”

“However, that statement actually came from Sen. Tom Carper (Del.), the top Democrat on the Environment and Public Works Committee and a harsh critic of Trump’s environmental agenda,” continued The Hill article before going on to note that in reality Capito had praised the Trump executive order.

Keep in mind that this so-called mistake comes amid a major rift between Obama holdovers in the EPA and the leaders appointed by President Trump. Many of the holdovers are seeing their years long work get destroyed before their eyes and apparently are not willing to go down without a fight.

Consider this. The EPA later released an update version that did not include the quote attacking Trump while claiming that the reason for the error was due to a draft of the press release accidentally being published.

This is downright laughable when you acknowledge the fact that the only way anti-Trump quotes would be in a draft for a press release about his own executive order would be if Obama era operatives had put them there in the first place!

This is yet another example of elements within the government openly plotting and working against the elected president. And, as Barack Obama’s former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Evelyn Farkas recently admitted, this sabotage started long before Donald Trump ever took office.

Alex Thomas is an opinion journalist and editor for Intellihub News. He was a founding member of what later became and an integral part of the team that destroyed the mainstream media blockade on Bilderberg in 2012. You can contact him here.

Featured Image: DonkeyHotey/Fickr

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