Thursday, February 22, 2018

Prohibition NEVER Works: Banning Alcohol Didn’t Work, And Banning Guns Won’t Either

They say those who don’t pay attention to history are destined to repeat it.  It seems like even though humans have paid attention, they somehow think the same things that failed in the past, like prohibition and communism, will magically work now.

Alcohol kills almost three times as many Americans as guns. Last year, about 33,000 people died of gunshot-related injuries, including those who shot themselves; suicide. When removing those who killed themselves only (again, suicide), that number drops to 15,549, by even anti-gun activists estimates.  To put that in perspective, this year’s flu and the vaccine to “prevent” said flu is more deadly. So far, it’s been killing an estimated 4,000 Americans per week. That’s roughly 16,000 per month, a number already higher than last year’s total “gun deaths” which include justified homicides (or self-defense.) You don’t have to be a genius at math to understand that “gun violence” isn’t really the epidemic the media wants you to believe.

By comparison, alcohol abuse killed nearly 88,000 people in 2015 in the United States. So why not ban booze? Because the United States tried that.  It was called prohibition, and it didn’t work.  It resulted in the government poisoning their own people: yes, the US government.  The same government that the anti-gun activists say wouldn’t do that to us. Rational humans would rather not see the government get a monopoly on guns. But the US has strayed rather far from logic, relying on emotional outbursts and teenage angst temper tantrums. 

Joe Joseph from the Daily Sheeple also brings an interesting point to consider. “Did you know, that alcohol is the number one underlying cause and factor behind crime in the US?” Alcohol is alone causes more harm to society than heroin, cocaine, and marijuana combined.

So where’s society’s outrage over alcohol abuse?  Why aren’t kids marching for alcohol control? Because prohibition doesn’t work. People who want to break the law and drink will do so.  People snort cocaine regardless of the fact that it’s illegal.  Where is society’s outrage at the right thing?

“Where are all the millions of dollars and campaign contributions and television ads trying to save people’s lives from the dangers of alcohol?” Joseph asks. “This is huge because we have to look at the facts. And the facts are: while it’s awful that these events take place, they’re anomalies in the grand scheme of things. Alcoholism is not an anomaly. It’s very present, ever present in our society and substance abuse is getting worse and worse and worse because the root cause isn’t being tackled.” The root cause is pain and voids within a person. The problem is that social engineering has created a god for people and that god is the government. And it’s a very poor substitute for actual spirituality, says Joseph.

Americans don’t “pull themselves up by their own bootstraps” and rely on their ingenuity and faith and individual strengths.  Americans now rely on the god created by social engineering: government. Simply suggest that humans could run their own lives just fine without a government, and most people will act as if you actually insulted their god.

“Freedom is not free,” says Joseph. “Freedom comes at a great cost. It takes a lot to maintain freedom….people are being pushed to the point of rebellion in this country and on purpose.”

Follow Joe Joseph and his News Shots here, on The Daily Sheeple’s YouTube channel. 


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