Sunday, December 10, 2017

Introducing Weight Loss Academy: A New Online Weight Loss Course and Community!

Have you ever tried to lose weight, only to end up feeling frustrated and defeated?

Maybe you have lost a few pounds in the past – or even a significant amount of weight – only to gain it back, and then some.

How many times have you started a new diet, only to ditch it and go back to your former eating habits within a few weeks?

Have you tried every new diet plan in existence?

Bought every hot new bestselling diet book?

Experimented with the all the latest weight loss trends?


If you answered “Yes!” to any of those questions, our new online weight loss course is the solution for you.

Weight Loss Academy is a self-paced online class that is designed to help you learn how to lose the extra weight you’ve been battling with once and for all – and keep it off for life.

You’ll find this course is like no other – it combines every aspect of weight loss into one comprehensive resource.

You will learn everything you need to know to achieve a healthy weight, including the basics of weight loss; how your body and mind can work against you; the truth about calories, sugar, fat, and carbohydrates; what to eat and when; the myths, misconceptions, and outright lies that have kept you overweight; the role of exercise; and much more!

This course opens on January 1, 2018.

Enroll today and get special New Year’s pricing!


By now, you might be wondering who I am and why you should trust me to help you.

Well, I have personally struggled with weight fluctuations in the past. That’s what led me to study health and nutrition formally, and to continue learning as a hobby. It’s my passion.

For many years, I worked as a weight loss professional: first, as a personal trainer and nutrition educator, and then as a manager and counselor for a major commercial weight loss company.

During that time, every day I met with people who were frustrated, depressed, sick, tired, annoyed, and defeated. Many of them had struggled with their weight for decades. Some began battling obesity in childhood or their teen years. Most of them had weight-related illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, liver disease, and cardiovascular disorders.

I learned that a major reason people struggle so much with weight loss is the unnecessary torture they inflict upon themselves – mainly, by reducing their food intake to unhealthy levels.

Severe calorie restriction is soul-crushing for most people. It is nearly impossible to stick with, and it leaves you feeling deprived, fatigued, and hopeless. You find yourself focused on what you “can’t” have. The forbidden becomes more irresistible than ever.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

In fact, you should feel great when you are making such an important lifestyle change. After all, how sustainable will the change be if you are miserable every day?

Unfortunately, for many people, most weight loss programs cause a lot of heartache, and end up being one more addition to a long list of failed attempts.

And often, this repeated failure leads to the complete loss of hope.

Chronic dieters start to believe that they are the problem; that they just don’t have enough willpower to stick with a weight loss plan long enough to see results.

But the truth is that diets fail US.

They don’t work most of the time – especially long-term.

If you are reading this, chances are, you are one of the frustrated.

If you have made attempts to lose weight and have not achieved success, or if you have gained back weight you have lost in the past, please do not blame yourself.

The reasons dieting is so difficult and most of us fail are complex, but I’ll sum them up for you: your brain works against you. So does your environment. There is food everywhere – we are constantly surrounded by it, and the most convenient and readily available options are usually not of the healthful variety.

The first step to solving a problem is to understand it.

That’s where this course comes in.

You absolutely can succeed – there ARE ways to lose weight (I prefer to say lose fat, because scale weight doesn’t tell us much) and keep it off…without suffering and being miserable and wanting to eat everything that isn’t nailed down.

But before you can defeat an opponent, you have to understand what you are up against.

That can be very challenging, especially if you lack knowledge about what to eat, when to eat, how to exercise, and (perhaps most important) the behavior changes you’ll need to make to succeed.

As you can see, there’s a lot involved in successful weight loss.

Learning everything that you need to know to lose weight can be overwhelming.

But if you aren’t armed with knowledge, how on Earth can you succeed?

That’s where weight loss coaches come in.

I just happen to be one of them, and I would love to help you learn everything you need to know to reach your ideal weight and stay there forever through this Weight Loss Academy.

It has taken me many, many years (and dollars!) to accumulate this knowledge via formal education, lots of reading (hundreds of books, articles, and scientific studies), personal experience, and working directly with clients.

In the last two decades, I’ve learned (often the hard way!) what works and what doesn’t for most people.

Think of this course as a shortcut. It will save you the time and trouble and trial and error (and suffering, and boredom!) of having to sort through all the weight loss information out there to figure out what works and what doesn’t, and how to reach your best weight and maintain it for life. I’ve already done all that work for you.

Here is an overview of what you will learn in this course, which will begin on January 1, 2018.

In the first lesson, you will learn..

The Basics

  • Clarification of terms like “diet” and why focusing on fat loss instead of weight loss is ideal

  • Why the scale is a horrible device that you should toss out of a window

  • Calories – to count or not to count?

  • What macronutrients are and why they are important

  • The truth about dietary fat

  • The (ugly) truth about sugar

  • Artificial sweeteners and how they sabotage your efforts

  • Insulin and the critical role it plays in weight management

  • Type 2 Diabetes and metabolic syndrome

  • Digestion, and how keeping your gut happy helps weight loss

In the next 5 lessons, we will cover the following topics in depth:

  • The Myths, Misconceptions, and Outright Lies That Keep People Overweight and Unhealthy

  • Weight Loss Psychology and Mental Obstacles That Sabotage Your Success

  • The Truth About Exercise and Weight Loss

  • Building Your Ideal Diet (It is so much easier than you think!)

  • Non-Scale Victories: The Best Ways to Track and Measure Your Progress

Also included with this course:

  • Downloadable tip sheets

  • Shopping lists

  • Access to my exclusive members-only Facebook group, where you can ask me questions, get encouraging feedback, and interact with other people taking this journey.

By the way, 2018 is right around the corner!

Are you worried about holiday weight gain? Is one of your New Year’s goals to lose weight and improve your health?

Here’s your solution! Enroll now and relax during the holidays, knowing you already have a plan in place to make your 2018 weight loss goals a reality.

Enroll by December 15, 2017 and save- you’ll get special New Year’s pricing!

I look forward to “meeting” you and helping you achieve your goals!

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