Wednesday, December 20, 2017

The Meme That Defines The Ruination Of Children’s Lives

By Catherine J. Frompovich

As the winter holidays draw near, especially the magical time known as Christmas, children become the main focus, and rightfully so!  Why?  Because the “reason for the season” was the birth of a child over two thousand years ago, which impacted lives of billions around the world to the point where that life now has been repudiated as ‘politically incorrect’.  Nothing can be further from the facts since that young life went on to teach love, compassion and forgiveness.  However, the Nazarene’s life from the very beginning was fraught with terror against him. A bureaucrat named Herod, who wanted Baby Jesus dead, [Matthew 2:16]  issued a decree with orders, plus implemented a ‘work force’ to kill all young males under two years of age around the ancient town of Bethlehem in Palestine, a place where the Census of Quirinius was taking place and to which Mary and Joseph traveled to be compliant with the law.

There seems to be uncanny parallels regarding children’s lives being negatively impacted by bureaucrats at various times during recorded history, e.g., the Nazi’s death camps which included children.  Currently and especially in the USA, Australia and other forceful nations, an unwitting campaign against children’s lives comes under the unfortunate medical guise of preventing disease.  Again, nothing can be outrageously misleading when, as a result of the explosive increase in mandated childhood vaccines, children’s health and lives have been impacted negatively.

That reality is courageously attested to by the work of Sallie O. Elkordy and her “Vaccination Free” meme she promotes.  Below is the letter Sallie wrote to President Trump, which explains how children’s health and lives are negatively impacted by unproven, fraudulent and over-hyped vaccines!

Dear President Donald J. Trump,

I am writing to ask you to outlaw vaccines and save our babies. The common components in vaccines include aluminum, formaldehyde, mercury and MSG per the Centers for Disease Control. These are toxic poisons, especially in the blood stream. The results of these poisons are creating very sick or dead children. Children are dying in infancy due to the 33 doses given to them and mothers are miscarrying due to the 4 recommended doses for them. Polysorbate 80 is a sterilization component and is the second ingredient in the Vitamin K shot given to all children in NY State at birth. I could go on, but I believe what I have just stated is sufficient to call for at least a moratorium on this program. Everyone is wise to what I have just informed you of, but are turning their heads away as our children suffer and die. Families are heartbroken needlessly; all from the vaccines they were told were safe and effective, but instead are damaging their children. 

I would appreciate a meeting with you to address every issue regarding vaccination because; as a person whose family has been affected, I have dedicated my time to investigating what went wrong and how it can be fixed. My conclusion is this:

Please sign an Executive Order for a “VACCINE FREE 2017” due to poisonous contents, resultant diseases, the high infant mortality rate in our Country vs. other Countries who do not administer as many vaccines, and the exceptionally good health of the unvaccinated (there are 4 studies, just none conducted by our government) vs. the vaccinated who suffer chronic ill health. The 1986 Act, which lifted liability from the vaccine manufacturers, also states that informing parents of vaccine risks is NOT required. I have approached Congress since 2009 to Ban Vaccines (most recently, and have voted for you because your statements indicated you understood that vaccines were a bona fide threat to children.   We will never make America great unless our children are capable. They are diminished by vaccination. Please outlaw vaccines for Christmas and preserve a future for our Country.

 Sincerely, Sallie O. Elkordy (received by on 12/4/17)


On June 7, 2016, I [Sallie O. Elkordy] addressed the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) of the Department of Health and Human Services to request they recommend a “National Moratorium on Vaccination” using the reasoning of the best researched PhD in Natural Sciences including Biology and Anatomy, Dr. Viera Scheibner.  Here is the video of that day ( and the TEXT, which the NVAC requested and possesses.

“All information on the ineffectiveness of any and all vaccines to prevent the targeted diseases and the seriousness and high level of reactions to any and all vaccines has been documented by medical research and published in reputable medical and scientific journals, right from the beginning of mass vaccination programs. 2. The only response and effect of all and any vaccines is anaphylaxis sensitization, a harmful immune response resulting in increased susceptibility of the vaccine recipients to the targeted diseases and also to related and unrelated bacterial and viral infections. There is no benefit whatsoever from vaccination. The term vaccine “preventable” is false advertising. The long-term deleterious vaccine effects are behind the “modern diseases”, such as cancer, chronic ill health, immunoreactive, autoimmune and immune disorders. Vaccines are contaminated by chemicals and biological, which should never be injected into anything living. Animals suffer the same deleterious effects as humans. 3. Deleterious effects of all and any vaccines are characteristic but not specific to any one vaccine. They are subject to the well-defined concept in medicine (biology) called the non-specific stress syndrome. There are No better and No effective vaccines and any further development of vaccines is futile and should be scrapped. All mass vaccination programs should be abandoned. 4. There is only one immunity, the natural immunity achieved by exposure to natural infectious diseases. As an example, having measles not only results in a life-long solid immunity to measles but also to cancer, asthma and allergies, as published in medical research journals. Natural infectious diseases are beneficial by priming and maturing the immune system and they also represent developmental milestones.

I left the Chairman of the NVAC, Walt Orenstein with this article about a (now) 46 year old cover-up of the single dose Measles Vaccine causing SSPE (according to the author, journalist Christina England, this is a deadly form of AUTISM).  He stated publicly the [sic] he would be distributing it to every member of the NVAC Committee; which delighted me, but (as I came to find later) serves to protect him from personal liability


Sallie O. Elkordy

There is no evidence whatsoever of the ability of vaccines to prevent any diseases.

Dr. Viera Scheibner, PhD

Regardless of what readers and healthcare consumers may think may be outlandish in the above, nothing seems to have changed regarding harming innocent children since time immemorial, e.g., infanticide, eugenics in various forms and, most unfortunately, the current attacks on children in utero with unproven vaccines being given to pregnant mothers!  Nothing says more about the damage to children than a current Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder rate of one in 36 [1], whereas as only a few decades ago in the late 1970s, it was one in 10 to 15 thousand!

Merry Christmas wishes to all the children of the world.

May your health and lives be valued more, as you are the future of the human race!



Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available

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