Tuesday, October 17, 2017

NY Club Owner Pressured To Deny Harvey Weinstein Masturbation Story, Goes Public With Sticky New Details Instead

Content originally published at iBankCoin.com

One of the more bizarre allegations levied against accused rapist and disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein is that he masturbated into a potted plant in front of TV news anchor Lauren Sivan in 2007.

Sivan said Harvey lured her to the basement of Socialista, a Cuban restaurant in Greenwich Village, NY. in which Weinstein was an investor, and tried to kiss her. When she rebuffed his advances, the serial sexual predator “simply began to pleasure himself” – asking the TV anchor to “just stand there and shut up” before reportedly ejaculating into a potted plant.

From potted plant to cookware

When former owner of Socialista, Armin Amiri was reached for comment by The Hollywood Reporter, he says Weinstein’s lawyers asked him to deny the incident. Instead, Amiri confirmed that it happened – though he says Weinstein actually ejaculated into a cooking pot, not a potted plant, which was later found on the stove.

What I remember about this incident is that my sous chef came into my office, furious, telling me that ‘some fat fuck’ saying he’s an owner — he didn’t know the name — had come into the kitchen with a woman and shoved a $100 bill at him and told him to get out. It was like 1:30 in the morning and he’d been the only one still there. The chef told me he was going to quit.

I went to check things out and saw Harvey soon after, fixing his belt, behind the bar. I never saw the woman. My chef and I go to the kitchen. He picks up a pot that had been placed back on the stove. It had been defiled. It was so bizarre. We couldn’t believe it happened.

 (full statement below)

So, accused rapist and all around sexual predator Harvey Weinstein allegedly lured local TV reporter Lauren Sivan into the basement of a restaurant he was an investor in, paid the chef $100 to go away – telling him he was ‘an owner,’ and jerked off into a pot when she rebuffed his advances – which he then placed back onto the stove before zipping up and walking out.

Not even close to OK Harvey…

Let"s not go so far as to say Weinstein was engaging in a festive night of #SpiritCooking, which he’s at least one or two degrees of separation from given his close friendship with the Clintons – who are in turn friends with noted occultist Marina Abramovic (who Tony Podesta has given money to, who was invited to Hillary Clinton’s Campaign launch, whose art Hillary Clinton placed in US embassies around the world, who Hillary wanted to invite to a lunch event, who donated the maximum $2700 to Hillary’s campaign, and who said in a Reddit AMA (“Ask Me Anything”) that her spirit cooking dinners in private homes are not art.). While Harvey’s sperm receptacle was probably chosen out of practicality – the guy did leave semen, in a cooking pot, on a stove.

Not to mention, Harvey sure seems to love his highbrow bodily excretion art… or at least this is what he thinks of at the sight of a naked woman: 

George has a dog

His NAME is Rocky

And he pees

And poops

WHEN I walk in th room

Sounds like Rocky doesn’t like Harvey very much.

(Amiri’s full statement to THR)

“Last week, after Lauren Sivan came forward with her awful story about Harvey Weinstein and the ‘potted plant’ at Socialista, he contacted me. We hadn’t spoken in years. He told me he needed a statement about his involvement in Socialista, which I said I’d be happy to provide, and I did, and then his lawyers said he needed one saying I hadn’t seen anything that night. I told them I knew something happened that night, I just hadn’t known what specifically. I couldn’t make a statement absolving him because when she came forward, my memory clicked.

Harvey had been an investor in Socialista and I had appeared in one of the films he distributed, ‘Factory Girl.’ What I remember about this incident is that my sous chef came into my office, furious, telling me that ‘some fat fuck’ saying he’s an owner — he didn’t know the name — had come into the kitchen with a woman and shoved a $100 bill at him and told him to get out. It was like 1:30 in the morning and he’d been the only one still there. The chef told me he was going to quit.

I went to check things out and saw Harvey soon after, fixing his belt, behind the bar. I never saw the woman. My chef and I go to the kitchen. He picks up a pot that had been placed back on the stove. It had been defiled. It was so bizarre. We couldn’t believe it happened.

I couldn’t prove any of it so I never confronted him. Harvey was an investor and it was around the time he married Georgina Chapman.

My heart goes out to all the brave women who have come forward. Once Ms. Sivan spoke out, and after being contacted by several media outlets, I’ve felt responsible to state what I remembered.”

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