Friday, October 6, 2017

Las Vegas Killer Stephen Paddock Took Multiple Trips to the Middle East and Europe

(ANTIMEDIAThe Mandalay Bay mass murderer Stephen Paddock had an affinity for casinos in Las Vegas, and it has now also been revealed that the madman shooter had a fondness for cruise ships. According to an anonymous law enforcement source, Paddock took at least 20 cruises all over the globe that included port stops in the Middle East and Europe. Some of the nations where the cruises docked were the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Italy, Spain, and Greece.

Marilou Danley, the killer’s girlfriend, accompanied him on at least 9 of the 20 international excursions.

The details of the trips, including the cruise line companies and dates of travel, are currently unknown.

One Tennessee couple claims they met Paddock and Danley while on a cruise to Mexico back in May.

Her husband C.J. were on their honeymoon, and upon reaching land, they were partnered with the now infamous couple on a jeep excursion for the day.

“In no way, shape or form would I have ever gathered he could be capable of something to this magnitude,” Sara Tuggle said on MetroNews’ Talkline. “He didn’t even speed. He was a cocky personality, but nothing that I would’ve taken him to be violent.” 

Although not everything about that day was unnerving for the couple, she said, “My husband had a bad feeling from the beginning.”

The exploring tour guide had taken pictures as we were pulling out. They’d take a picture of each Jeep, and I texted my mom and said, ‘Just in case we don’t make it back to the ship, the tour line has a picture of the people that we were with.”

“Of course at the time, we were joking,” she said.

Speaking on Paddock’s arrogance, Tuggle went on to describe the encounter in more detail.

“Everything that was said or talked about, he had something better, a better vehicle or better this or that,” she said. “Everything that was conversed on, he could top the story, so to speak.”

Tuggle also stated that Paddock told the newlyweds he enjoyed taking cruises because of the gambling and the food aboard the ships.

One incident from that day’s events did stick out in Tuggle’s mind because of the moment’s awkwardness it created.

“We’re in the middle of Mexico and he yells very loudly, ‘When is Trump ever going to build that wall to keep out the Mexicans?’ and some people in the group laughed,” she said. “I did not laugh. It made me feel very uncomfortable considering we were walking through the streets of Mexico.”

Danley, on the other hand, was described by Tuggle as the complete opposite of Paddock. “She was a very kind woman. She was very sweet, neat-natured.”

In conclusion, Tuggle finalized her retelling of events by saying:

“I played it in my mind over and over to see if there was anything that I thought he could’ve been violent, and honestly there was not. He was odd, he was different, but to me, he did not seem anywhere near capable of something of this magnitude.”

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