Friday, October 6, 2017

Proof of Multiple Shooters at Vegas Attack?

Alex is LH... limited hangout.

Jim Stone, although he fell last year hard n heavy for the TRUMP DECEPTION(tm), is -selectively - the best media psyop deconstructor around...  his latest take

The FBI/Mossad sent shooters around in a car to front for the gun control agenda. They had a disposable guy on the 32nd floor making an illegal gun deal for them that could be used as a patsy, ready to go, guns on site. It was all so convenient, TOO CONVENIENT, because they are now BUSTED, they cannot survive the fact that this Bellagio video is out there. And I am now proven 100 percent spot on with my coverage of this. All the crap about any bullets at all from the Mandalay is now proven pure and unadulterated BULLSHIT, along with the single shooter narrative. It"s easy to kick out a window, perhaps they should have done it before that damning photo (further down this page) was taken!

A team of shooters went around the city shooting up hotels first. The shooters ended their shooting spree at the concert. The entire Mandalay narrative is false. The media is denying this because it does not fit their narrative. This was all real. The woman in this video was at the Bellagio, where the shooters blew the lobby windows out. Many hotels were involved, but the media is expunging this and Youtube is killing videos. ONE VIDEO SURVIVED BECAUSE AT FIRST THE AUDIO IS POOR. IT GETS VERY CLEAR AT THE END. Don"t skip forward despite the confusing audio,

is pretty much in accord with what will come to be understood - eventually - as 911/2.0

Mossad guys in FBI jackets...

Welcome to NOAHIDE merika... U don"t live here no more... cept on THEIR sayso chump.

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