Wednesday, October 18, 2017

NMA panel suggests no American has the right to refuse experimental vaccinations and children must be held down by police while injected

(Natural News) Are you ready for your front door to be kicked in by a CDC swat team and your children to be held down at gunpoint while being injected with the latest experimental vaccines for anthrax, zika, ebola, HPV, measles, chicken pox, swine flu, influenza, and whatever else they think up this year? The National Meningitis Association (NMA) thinks if you don’t get every vaccine in the book then you are a menace to society and an irresponsible parent who needs to be scared to death more often by extreme and isolated infectious disease tales.

The VACCINE ANTIFA want to visit YOUR HOME with armed guards and attack you and your children with syringes full of neurotoxins

When you and your children get molested by the Vaccine Antifa in your home, it won’t be on the nightly news or in the newspapers, because the orders will come from the very top of the vaccine violence food chain, and we all know pharma controls the mass media. If you resist, the Vaccine Antifa, working in conjunction with Child Protective Services, will drag you from the scene, kicking and screaming, while doing the “noble” work they were set out to do – and that is raise the rates of autism, auto-immune disorders and cancer while boosting profits for the vaccine industry. You think we’re joking? These freaks want to “educate” you by having an outbreak and then use fear tactics so you will support legislation for mandatory and forced vaccination nationwide.

The National Meningitis Association (NMA) convened in New York City this past May to “Advance Vaccine Impact” and spread their fake science propaganda through several industry shills and pharma “panel” mouthpieces, including their insidious leader and vaccine sales puppet Paul Offit. The gathering of shills was moderated by a huckster (Arthur Allen) from Politico, a fake news outfit known for being Nazi sympathizers and pushing their own brand of violence and journo-terrorism.

The ultimate goal of the panel gathering was to cast blame on “anti-vaxxers” for vaccine failures, and to cover up the plague of chemical violence that’s been perpetrated on Americans from the carcinogenic ingredients in vaccines – namely mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG and live “attenuated” virus combinations.

“People are compelled much more by fear than reason” was the motto this year for the vax-terrorists at the NMA convention

Fear sells, says the biggest vaccine industry shill of our time – the infamous maker of the most toxic vaccine ever known to mankind,  Rotateq (which contains a deadly pig virus called circovirus) – Dr. Paul Offit. The only way to sell toxic vaccines to Americans who have been educated about the dangers of vaccines and the carcinogens they contain is to scare the living hell out of people using infectious disease propaganda, because science and reason are the vaccine industry’s worst enemies. That’s why over $3 billion has been paid out to vaccine-injured families from a hush fund the secretive vaccine court controls.

By now, you probably want to know exactly who these charlatans and shills are who are representing the Vaccine Antifa known as NMA. Well, here you go. Here’s the full list of chemical-violence pushers from the panel of shills:

· Amy Middleman, Oklahoma University School of Medicine · Paul Offit, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania · Dorit Rubinstein Reiss, University of California Hastings College of Law · William Schaffner, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine · Alison Singer, President of Autism Science Foundation · Jason Schwartz, the Yale School of Public Health

· Paul Lee, NYU Winthrop Hospital

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