Friday, October 6, 2017

Disturbing Video Shows School Cop Body Slam a Small Child Face-First onto the Pavement

San Antonio, TX — A particularly disturbing video of a police officer attempting to break up a schoolyard quarrel has surfaced and is shedding light on the Northside Independent School District police department for all the wrong reasons. In the video, we see a tiny child get body slammed to the ground — face-first — by the cop.

The incident happened on Monday at Rawlinson Middle School in San Antonio. The student who filmed it uploaded it to Instagram Tuesday. The brief video has sparked cries of racism as well as it shows the officer allowing the white student to walk away while brutalizing the tiny black student.

A parent found the video on Instagram Tuesday and then uploaded it to Facebook with the following description, where it went viral.

And you wonder why people are protesting the racial injustice in this country. I got this off my son’s Instagram yesterday. Notice the two kids fighting and the San Antonio police officer coming to break the fight up. He’s big enough to stop the fight between the two little kids, but he choose to aggressively man handles the little African American kids and lets the little Caucasian kid walk away. I don’t care who started it. As a adult even a protector of peace you need to make the right decision and we see what his decision was. Those are little kids!!! Me as a parent, I don’t care what color they were. I’m big enough and strong enough to stop the fight. They’re parents would’ve been mad how I did it, but it would’ve been stopped!!!

In the video, we see the officer, who is five times the size of the students and easily able to pull them apart, walk up to the black child, Charles “Cj’ Jackson, and slam him facedown on the pavement.

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According to the San Antonio Current, before the video spread on social media, Jackson’s mother allegedly got a call from Rawlinson Principal Mark Rustan, informing her that her son had been suspended for fighting with another student — he said Jackson sat on top of the other child.  According to Robert Session, Jackson’s adult cousin who shared the video of Facebook, the middle schooler said that wasn’t the case. The other kid had spit on him, Jackson said, and then a cop got involved.


“[His parents] didn’t believe him, at first,” Session told the Current. “And then they saw the video.”

Jackson’s mother allegedly went straight to Rustan’s office to get the story straight, reported the Current. She declined to talk with the Current, but Session passed along this message: “She wants me to tell you she is very upset with the officer for what he did to her son [and] the school for lying to her and not suspending the other boy.”

“No kid should be slammed like that,” Session said.

According to the Northside ISD, the officer has been with the department since 2006 and has had no disciplinary actions against him during those 11 years. He has since been placed on administrative leave.

“That video speaks volumes,” Perez said. “I would remind individuals that we are not in any way condoning his actions. They are extremely atypical of our Northside officers.”

“The Northside ISD police department and our district’s human resources department are both conducting a full investigation into this matter,” district spokesman Barry Perez said in a statement Thursday morning.

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NISD also reported the assault to Child Protective Services.

San Antonio parents, be warned, according to reports, not one but two children were assaulted this week by adults inside the Northside ISD.

Unfortunately enough, this is the second time in only a short while that a San Antonio cop has been captured on video abusing a small child.

Last year, as TFTP reported, as San Antonio ISD police officer was seen body slamming a small 12-year-old girl. She was thrown down with so much force that she was briefly knocked unconscious.

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