Saturday, October 28, 2017

White Supremacist Leader Mike Enoch Staging Deep State Operation in Tennessee?

originally published by Alt-right Exposed

Deep State Linked Neo-Nazi Groups Descend on Small Towns to “Vent Anger”

[Mike “Enoch” Peinovich]

The “White Lives Matter”events will be attended by a group of literal Neo-Nazi groups, including the National Socialist Movement (NSM), and Anticom, who’s members have discussed bombing federal buildings and massacring protesters.

White Supremacist organizer Mike “Enoch” Peinovich, one of the leaders of the disastrous Charlottesville rally on August 12th, is staging events in both Shelbyville and Murfreesboro, Tennessee on Saturday, October 28th.

The “White Lives Matter”events will be attended by a group of literal Neo-Nazi groups, including the National Socialist Movement (NSM), and Anticom, who’s members have discussed bombing federal buildings and massacring protesters.

[The National Socialist Movement -NSM]

Awkward Thanksgiving?

On August 16th, investigator Laura Loomer tweeted that Mike Enoch’s mother, Paula Enockson Sippel, a.k.a. Paula Peinovich, is a political supporter of Hillary Clinton. Mike’s mother is a lifetime liberal activist and labor organizer, and works closely with AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, who was just re-elected for a third term as head of the AFL-CIO.


Since the event in Charlottesville, Mike “Enoch” Peinovich has been celebrating the death of Heather Heyer. Right after the rally, Enoch went on his “Daily Shoah” broadcast with Richard Spencer and said, referring to Heather Heyer:

“As far as the cat lady that was killed… this is the police’s fault for failure to control their own streets.”

“He added: “I don’t give a s–t about this dead cat lady. Whatever. The world is a better place. But the murderer is not the driver of the car. … He did nothing wrong. Frankly, he should get a medal. Let’s be honest. But legally he did nothing wrong.”

This weekend, Mike Enoch is staging a “White Lives Matter” demonstration in middle Tennessee with Vanguard America, the group that James Fields Jr held rank in and marched with before he drove his car into the crowd of protesters at Charlottesville.

[James Fields Jr. with his Vanguard America group]

The Neo-Nazi group “NSM”, or “National Socialist Movement” will also be marching at the event. The NSM is shunned by most white nationalists, because it has been riddled with FBI informants since it’s inception.

In 2007, the Orlando (FL) Sentinel revealed that FBI informant David Gletty organized a National Socialist Movement (NSM) rally in Orlando. Gletty had set up and run an entire unit of the NSM, informed on it’s members, and directed all of it’s operations over a two year period.

The march that David Gletty was through the streets of Parramore, a majority African-American section of Orlando. The FBI informant and his Neo-Nazi dupes staged an event that was eerily similar to Charlottesville, in that is stirred up racial tensions and triggered a “major police mobilization”.

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