Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Interview 1308 – James Corbett on The Last American Vagabond

James Corbett appears on The Last American Vagabond to discuss How & Why Big Oil Conquered The World.

via TheLastAmericanVagabond.com:

Many have the false belief that much of the problems we face today as Americans, as a species, are somewhat new problems, or due in large part to modern industrialization.

But what if I told you that most of the root problems, from which stem our current epidemics and outright catastrophes, were not only created by one group, one family even, but were planned and orchestrated, to deliver a few elite organizations monumental wealth, while systematically subjugating and manipulating the average population with design to ultimately provide what has now became their final destination, dominion over the world itself.

From eugenics to technocracy; from GMOs to geoengineering, all of the issues and dangerously rising movements and counter movements we face today, can be traced back to the actions and ambitions of a few elite families, specifically, the Rockefellers. Here to discus this and his new documentary “Why Big Oil Conquered the World” is James Corbett of The Corbett Report.


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