Thursday, October 5, 2017

BREAKING: Police Release Report With Claims the Fmr British PM “Raped an 11-year-old Boy”


On Thursday, Wiltshire Police in the United Kingdom released the finding of their years-long investigation into the alleged pedophilia of the Right Honorable Sir Edward Heath, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain. The results of the investigation, dubbed Operation Conifer, are scathing, to say the least.

For years, the citizens of the UK have been calling the lack of investigation into the former Prime Minister a cover-up by the state. And, for years, they were right.

As TFTP reported in February, more than 30 people have now come forward with claims of sexual abuse by the former leader of the Conservative Party and PM. Police investigators said the victims all gave ‘strikingly similar’ accounts of the sexual abuse and none of the individuals were known to each other.

Despite victims’ claims falling on the deaf ears of authorities for years, one good cop decided in 2015 that he was going to look into them.

As the Sydney Morning Herald reports, Wiltshire police chief constable Mike Veale said the findings were a “watershed moment” for those who believed that there had been a state cover-up for senior figures involved in child sexual abuse.

Wiltshire police have spent the past two years reviewing allegations of crimes by Sir Edward against 40 people, including two while he was prime minister.

The allegations included child sexual abuse and rape and indecent assault, physical abuse and sexual abuse against an adult.

Each allegation was investigated, and in 24 cases the police took a direct statement from the alleged victim.

In their concluding report, released on Thursday, they said that in relation to seven of the alleged victims, the evidence they gathered would have warranted Sir Edward’s interview under caution.

Because Heath is now deceased, he is unable to stand trial and police noted that it would be inappropriate at this moment to conclude the guilt of Heath.


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Paul Mills, the police commander for Operation Conifer, said Sir Edward would have been interviewed “to obtain his account in relation to the allegations made against him.”

“It is clearly inappropriate to speculate what his response would have been… and no inference of guilt should be drawn by the decision to interview him.”

However, Veale noted there were “compelling and obvious” reasons to investigate the allegations about Sir Edward Heath, according to the Herald.

“(He) was an extremely prominent, influential and high-profile person, arguably one of the most powerful people in the world,” he said.

Mr Veale believes the investigation “signals a watershed moment for people and victims who have suggested or implied there has been a state cover-up for some senior figures who may have been involved in child sexual abuse”.

The alleged offenses against those victims were:

  • In 1961, allegedly raping and indecently assaulting an 11-year-old boy during a “paid sexual encounter in private”.

  • In 1962, indecently assaulting a 10-year-old boy during a “chance encounter in a public place” in the company of another adult male.

  • Around 1964, indecently assaulting a 15-year-old boy during three paid sexual encounters.

  • In 1967, indecently assaulting a 15-year-old male in private “during a chance encounter in a public building”.

  • In 1976, indecently assaulting, over clothing, an adult male at a public event.

  • Around 1992, indecently assaulting an adult male after consent was withdrawn in a paid sexual encounter in a hotel.

  • Around 1991, indecently assaulting a male aged between 12 and 14 during a “chance encounter in private gardens”.

While there is no formal guilty finding, earlier this year, as TFTP reported, Veale regarded the allegations as ‘totally convincing.’

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According to the source at the Daily Mail, “‘Mr. Veale believes in them 120 percent and thinks they are totally convincing.”

“There are very close similarities in the accounts given by those who have come forward. The same names used for him, the same places and same type of incidents keep coming up.

“What stands out is that the people giving these accounts are not connected but the stories and the details dovetail.

“It contains disturbing stuff. Investigators have been shocked by what they have learned.”

“The police were initially skeptical about the allegations, but now believe them. And they have come round to the view that they were covered up in the past because of who Heath was,” said another source speaking of how the alleged crimes were covered up.

According to investigators, Heath’s estate claims that he could never have committed these crimes because he did not have the ability to drive a car. However, multiple photographs, witnesses, and video show that he did drive and he did have a car.


After losing his chauffeur-driven car of which he was entitled to as the PM, he purchased his own vehicle.

According to the report in the Mail:

The disclosures come after several senior politicians dismissed the allegations against Heath as absurd and unfounded. Former Tory Foreign Secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind complained Heath’s reputation was being ‘besmirched’. Heath’s sexuality has been the source of much speculation over the years. Some believed he was gay, others said he was ‘asexual.’ At one point, he was being investigated by no fewer than five police forces – the Met, Wiltshire, Hampshire, Kent and Jersey.

The claims, some of which have been proved false, include alleged links to a convicted brothel keeper known as Madame Ling-Ling. A paedophile dossier compiled by Labour peer Baroness Castle said he offered young boys trips on his yacht, and in a separate incident one man claimed Sir Edward picked him up hitchhiking in Kent as a 12-year-old in the 1960s and lured him to his Mayfair flat.

Labour MP Tom Watson also said he had received allegations about Sir Edward. However the claims Mr Veale is investigating, which date from the 1960s to 1990s, are not linked to the discredited evidence of the man known as ‘Nick’, who alleged a high-level paedophile ring.

Interestingly, the Heath investigation in many ways mirrors the high-profile pedophilia scandal that has already gripped the U.K., before being unceremoniously swept under the rug. In that case, historical abuse by politically connected elites, celebrities, and politicians was brought to light — with an official inquiry being started — only to have the inquiry “crumble” after heavy pressure was exerted by highly placed power brokers within the U.K. establishment. Heath may have just been lucky enough to escape the pedo spotlight back then.

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Given all of the revelations on pedophilia coming out of the U.K. establishment, the idea of a massive pedophile ring among the elite can hardly be written off as ‘speculation.’

However, even in spite of police noting that the allegations are serious and warrant further investigation, ex-Tory MP Matthew Parris dismissed the allegations, saying: ‘If Heath was a child abuser, I’m an aardvark.’

Ridicule, as we all know, is one of the easiest ways to distract attention away from the truth. Sadly, it almost always seems to work.

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