Sunday, October 8, 2017

Evergreen College Punishes 80 Students For Menacing Protests That Shut Down Campus

After standing idly by as radical cultural Marxists forced biology professor Bret Weinstein into hiding, the Evergreen State College administration has decided to penalize 80 students for their involvement with disruptive protests earlier this year that transformed the sleepy state school into a symbol of leftist repression.

Initially, College President George Bridges promised that no students would be held accountable for effectively seizing control of the campus library after a confrontation with Weinstein erupted into a full-scale riot last semester. That incident marked the beginning of months of demonstrations and protests aimed at punishing “racist” administrators, teachers, students and virtually anybody who disagreed with the students’ demands or their characterization of authority figures as racist, malevolent villains.

During the student uprising. school officials at the 4,000-student school received approximately 120 incident reports involving 180 students during the days-long series of protests, according to the Daily Caller.

“Of those 180 students, approximately 80 were found responsible for their actions,” Evergreen State spokeswoman Sandra Kaiser told The Olympian. “They received sanctions ranging from formal warnings, community service and probation, to suspension.”

An unidentified person who does not attend Evergreen State was also “arrested and permanently barred from campus,” an Evergreen spokesman said.

Video footage from the campus was widely shared on YouTube and social media. In one memorable video – recorded at the beginning of the protests over the administration’s refusal to fire Weinstein -  students at a tense community meeting can be heard going berserk, obscenely screaming about “racist white teachers” and “white-assed administrators.”

Weinstein, who published an editorial in the Wall Street Journal about his experience at Evergreen, and his wife were paid $500,000 by the school to settle a $3.8 million lawsuit he filed after he was forced to flee while students toting bats and clubs stopped and searched cars traveling through campus searching for him.

In early June, classes at Evergreen were canceled for three days after the school received a threat of violence on campus. In an disturbingly ironic twist, the school later had to send an email kindly asking students to stop forming vigilante patrols armed with blunt weapons.

The threats forced Evergreen State to shell out approximately $100,000 to rent a nearby minor league baseball stadium for its commencement ceremony, which had traditionally been held on the campus quad, which is called…wait for it…Red Square (the is derived from its red-brick surface).

It was around this time that public opinion appeared to turn against the students, as the protests were roundly mocked in the media, inspiring some Washington State lawmakers to threaten to revoke the school’s funding.

In a troubling sign for the school administration that no doubt played into their decision to punish the offending protesters, enrollment at the school plunged by 5% for the current academic year, leaving the school with a $2.1 million budget shortfall.

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