Monday, October 16, 2017

Insane Video Shows Cops Attack Fellow Cop, Handcuff, Shackle, Taser Him—for Being Sick


San Antonio, TX — A Bexar County Sheriff’s deputy is recovering after he was brutally taken down, tasered and abused by his fellow deputies—because he was sick.

The incident was captured on video and the disturbing images make a powerful point. When your only tool is a hammer, everything begins to look like nails—even your fellow cops.

The attack on the deputy was so disturbing that a BCSO employee and witness to it reached out to KENS 5 news in San Antonio to expose it. According to the BCSO employee, the deputy was simply sick—as in not feeling well—and was allegedly mistaken by his fellow cops as being disorderly.

Instead of talking to him or simply relieving him of his duty, a Special Emergency Response Team (SERT), consisting of a half dozen cops in riot gear, armed with an arsenal of non-lethal weapons, was called in to take the deputy out.

In the video, we see the SERT officers pile on top of the sick deputy while one officer repeatedly tasers him. As the deputy writhes in agony on the ground, officers put him in handcuffs and shackled his legs.


“He just popped him, he just popped him on my orders,” a sergeant can be heard saying in the video.

Several minutes into the video, and the taser prongs are still in the deputy.

According to KENS:

The memo says this all started when the Sergeant found the corporal standing up against a wall.

The Sergeant told investigators the corporal was acting strange and ignoring him.

The Sergeant, according to the documents, ordered a SERT officer to pull his Taser, which was then deployed when the officer says the sick corporal tried to hit his leg.

“Take me out of the handcuffs, they’re cutting off my circulation. I’m asking for a little bit of help,” said the corporal after being attacked by his fellow cops.

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According to the internal document, as reported by KENS 5, the corporal told investigators, “I was feeling dizzy, trying to hold myself up on the wall. I was spitting up blood. I didn’t have any time to respond.”

The corporal went on to say, “I have had this happen before, but I was taken care of by my fellow, first shift officers. I wasn’t wrestled to the floor and cycled for 3 times.”

The fact that a cop received such brutal treatment from his fellow cops speaks to the violent nature of police in America. When they begin to cannibalize their own, something terrible is brewing.

The BCSO is even admitting to the brutal takedown of one of their own for being sick.

According to a daily blotter obtained by KENS 5, the Sheriff’s Office said, “Due to a medical condition an officer had to be restrained.”

After refusing to comment on the video for several days, the Sherrif finally came forward on Friday to make a statement.

As to why a gang of his deputies attacked a fellow deputy for seemingly no reason, the sheriff had little to say.

“I have seen that video. There is a current investigation ongoing with that case and we’re looking at all angles of it,” Sheriff Javier Salazar said.

“I was glad the video existed. That’s the reason we have body cameras on our SERT officers, is for any incidents that might arise in the jail,” Sheriff Salazar said. “It was captured from several different angles, so it gives us a good, well-rounded view of what happened to allow us to make an educated decision when the time comes.”

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According to the report, the corporal was taken to a local hospital to receive treatment for his injuries and, according to the sheriff, he has received no punishment.

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