Friday, October 20, 2017

NHL to Install Facial Recognition Cameras to Limit Their Liability

By MassPrivateI

It’s official, big brother has invaded sports arenas, stadiums and parks.

According to an article in TSN, The National Hockey League (NHL) plans to install facial recognition cameras in their arenas.

The above video, is a perfect example of how law enforcement uses our fears of terror to justify losing our privacy.

Retired Secret Service agent Mike Verden claims the NHL’s facial recognition cameras are for everyone’s safety. Near the end of the video, he reveals that unnamed sports teams are secretly using facial recognition cameras to spy on fans. 

FYI, Mr. Verden is the owner of the Lake Forest Security Group which profits from increased security at sports stadiums.

The NHL plans to identify everyone the moment they walk through their doors.

“We can identify someone literally as they walk through the door. Identification happens within a few seconds. Then you can intercept them right then” Peter Trepp, chief executive of FaceFirst Inc., said. (Source)

Why do sports leagues want to install facial recognition cameras?

Facial recognition cameras will limit their liability

By installing facial recognition cameras they hope to limit their liability in case of a terrorist attack.

The technology has improved as professional sports leagues come to terms with being terrorist targets. That prospect has left the NHL in recent weeks discussing a league-wide security review that would potentially help to limit the league’s financial exposure if terrorists targeted an NHL game. (Source)

If you are still having trouble digesting that, perhaps this will put your mind at ease.

Facial recognition cameras are not for fan safety, their sole purpose is to “protect the league and its teams from paying out insurance claims that could be filed by victims in the event of a terrorist attack.” (Click here, here & here to learn how sports teams spy on their fans to reduce their liability.)

This is an unbelievable admission and one you can bet, the mass media will ignore. Unfortunately, limiting sports teams liability is not the only issue that will make you upset.

Sports teams are also using facial recognition to create their own private watch lists.

Sports teams are creating private watch lists

Law enforcement, FaceFirst and sports teams are working together to create their own watch lists!

“FaceFirst’s Trepp said his company is creating its own “watch list,” using data obtained from a number of local U.S. and European police forces and agencies such as Interpol. In an email to TSN, Interpol’s press office said they do not share details of their database with any companies.” (Source)

“At the very least, Trepp said, NHL teams could follow FC Groningen’s lead and create their own database of troublemakers and banned spectators. Teams could also use facial biometrics to identify VIPs and season-ticket holders and fast-track their entry, he said.” (Source)

This is horrific, private watch lists can and will be abused by law enforcement. Make no mistake, private watch lists are the epitome of a police state.

Facial recognition cameras are also being used to spy on golf fans.

Facial recognition used to spy on golf fans

(Try not to laugh, as NEC claims their dedicated to our safety.)

Earlier this year, the Ladies Professional Golf Association used NEC’s facial recognition cameras to spy on their fans.

NEC Corporation of America (NEC) will establish a biometric first during this week’s ANA Inspiration at Mission Hills Country Club where facial recognition technology will make what is widely believed to be its debut at a golf event.

The industry-leading video face technology will also be positioned at the main entrance to Mission Hills Country Club, where faces of individuals will be captured and extracted from the video feed and matched in real-time. (Source)

Soon, every major sports league will use facial recognition cameras to reduce liability.

A TSN video warns that soon all four major North American sports leagues will be installing facial recognition cameras at all their entry and exit points.

How long before NASCAR, the Kentucky Derby, NCAA, etc., use facial recognition cameras to spy on EVERYONE?

Soon, anyone that cares about their privacy will be forced to stay at home and watch sports games on a television, tablet or laptop.

America is being turned into a gigantic facial recognition state.

You can read more from MassPrivateI at his website HERE.

Also Read: Facial Recognition ID Moves from Planes and Trains to Conferences and Events

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