Thursday, October 5, 2017

Democrats Want Ivanka Trump’s Security Clearance Revoked


Two Democratic lawmakers are calling for Ivanka Trump’s security clearance to be revoked. The two are citing “credibility issues” based on series of recent reports.

According to The Hill, several reports have surfaced claiming Ivanka lacks credibility. “Recent press investigations highlight severe credibility issues with Ivanka Trump, a White House official, close advisor, and daughter to the President,” Reps. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Don Beyer (D-Va.) wrote in a letter to White House counsel Don McGahn. In the letter, the lawmakers also renewed their call for Jared Kushner’s (Ivanka’s husband) security clearance to be revoked.

The letter cites reports that Trump “used at least two, and possibly three,” private email accounts for official White House business. Not many Democrats seemed concerned that Hillary Clinton did the same thing, but in an obviously divided government, you’ll have hypocrisy and finger pointing.

A Politico report earlier this week found Trump and [Ivanka’s] husband, White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, reportedly sent hundreds of emails from a third private email account while serving in their White House roles. The lawmakers also referenced a McClatchy report that Trump and Kushner were each fined after they failed to submit financial reports required by the Office of Government Ethics on time. The financial disclosure forms submitted by Trump and Kushner also included different values for their personal assets. Some of those values had discrepancies of hundreds of thousands of dollars, according to McClatchy. – The Hill

“These new revelations, along with the ongoing White House probe of Ms. Trump’s private email use, have compromised Ms. Trump’s integrity and credibility,” the lawmakers wrote in the letter. “We are requesting that the White House immediately revoke her security clearance pending an investigation into her actions.” The letter also said, “In light of the recent developments relating to both Mr. Kushner’s e-mail accounts and his financial disclosure statements, we would like to reiterate our request that you immediately revoke his security clearance.”

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Author: Mac Slavo
Views: Read by 1 people
Date: October 5th, 2017

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