Thursday, October 5, 2017

Six Top-Secret Experiments That Could Have Extinguished Humanity


Governments of the world have long been in the business of manipulation and power accumulation.  This is ever evident in the current events we are seeing.  But there were some instances in which top-secret experiments could have wiped out humanity.

It is rather scary and equally disturbing to know that the governments of the world are playing with the weather and diseases. The powers that be seem to only seek to find ways to destroy and not many want to create anything. It’s pretty sad that these six experiments were done with intentions of seeking the destruction of other human beings.

This video will detail the 6 science experiments that could have wiped out mankind.

Tsunami Bomb

The tsunami bomb was designed to destroy coastal cities by setting of an underwater blast which would trigger a massive tidal wave.

Operation Cirrus

The objective was to look into how to change the path of a hurricane. The experiment included dropping dry ice into the storm.  That caused the hurricane to change paths, killing a person and causing $200 million in damages.

 The Kola Peninsula Bore Hole

Researchers in the Soviet Union began an ambitious drilling project whose goal was to penetrate the Earth’s upper crust and sample the warm, mysterious area where the crust and mantle intermingle. It is the deepest hole ever drilled, going down 7.5 miles into the earth’s crust.

Projects Mercury And Project Volcano

Between 1987 and 1992, the Soviet Union secretly worked on two programs, Mercury and Volcano. They named it, Tectonic Weapon which could create earthquakes and volcanoes. Aleksey Nikolayev, a former member of Russian Academy of Sciences said it a destructive earthquake producer weapon.

Starfish Prime

The United States detonated a nuclear weapon high above the Pacific Ocean. Designated Starfish Prime, it was part of a dangerous series of high-altitude nuclear bomb tests at the height of the Cold War. The goal was to determine if Earth’s magnetic field could be manipulated by governments to serve them in a war scenario.

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Author: Mac Slavo
Views: Read by 0 people
Date: October 5th, 2017

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