Saturday, September 9, 2017

Theresa May secretly hatched plan to ‘rig’ UK parliament immediately after losing majority in election

Theresa May’s plan to “rig” Parliament to prepare for Brexit was hatched immediately after her general election disaster but kept secret, The Independent has learned.

The Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) agreed to help the Conservatives seize control of all Commons committees – despite losing their majority – when it struck the June deal to prop the Tories up in power.

However, that crucial part of the deal, paving the way for ministers to force through up to 1,000 “corrections” to EU law ahead of Brexit, was not mentioned in the so-called “cash-for-votes” agreement.

Instead, control of committees will be secured in a late-night vote next Tuesday, when the DUP will back the Prime Minister – although it has refused to confirm that support publicly.

“It was all decided in discussions between the Conservative and DUP whips immediately after the election result,” a well-placed source told The Independent.

“Don’t forget those whips worked hand-in-hand through the Cameron and May mark one governments. So they were always going to in May mark two as well.”


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