Sunday, September 10, 2017

Kid Rock for Senate in 2018? Robert Ritchie gave his first speech and it was good

GRAND RAPIDS (INTELLIHUB) — Robert James Ritchie, a.k.a. Kid Rock, recently gave a speech before one of his concerts where he had thousands of fans cheering at the top of their lungs.

The famed American rocker took the stage like a boss with a flag waving girl to either side as a banner hung in the background which read: “Kid Rock 18′ for U.S. Senate.”

“What’s going on in the world today? Rock asked the crowd. “It seems the government wants to give us all health insurance but wants us to pay.” [Many cheers could be heard in the crowd.]

During his speech, Rock also mentioned the elite’s plan for the “redistribution of wealth” and said that women need to quit popping out kids.

“Read my lips,” Rock said. “We should not reward these women who can’t even take care of themselves but keep having kid after fu*king kid.”

Rock continued, “Of course we want to help them out. I don’t want to sit here and sound like a jerk but let’s help them out with childcare, job training to put their god damn asses to work.”

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