Friday, September 15, 2017

Interview 1300 – Music Theory to Conspiracy Theory on The Ripple Effect

via The Ripple Effect Podcast: Vinnie Caggiano is a composer, musician who has played all over the country, teacher, music theorist & creator of the popular YouTube channel, which has a few playlists; solo performances; performances with his band, The Blue Kind; performances with his band, The Venice Roasters; and also a playlist analyzing the music of the Beatles from a Music Theory perspective and Music Theory for guitar in general.

James Corbett is a researcher, filmmaker, writer, historian, podcaster & creator of The Corbett Report, which is an independent, listener-supported alternative news source.

Ricky Varandas is a musician and the host of The Ripple Effect podcast.

James returns to The Ripple Effect Podcast as a co-host, to help Ricky interview Vinnie, as we discuss everything from Music Theory to Conspiracy Theories.


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