Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Google DeepMind AI destroys human expert in lip reading competition

A new artificial intelligence tool created by Google and Oxford University researchers could significantly improve the success of lip-reading and understanding for the hearing impaired. In a recently released paper on the work, the pair explained how the Google DeepMind-powered system was able to correctly interpret more words than a trained human expert.

The tool is called Watch, Listen, Attend and Spell (WLAS), and the paper describes it as a “network that learns to transcribe videos of mouth motion to characters.” Using videos from the BBC, the team trained the system with a dataset of more than 100,000 natural sentences.  

While similar attempts in the past have focused on a narrow set of words, the report said, Google and Oxford wanted to address lip reading through “unconstrained natural language sentences, and in the wild videos.”

The professional human lip reader whom the researchers compared the results against had roughly 10 years of experience in the field and had deciphered videos for the royal wedding and in court for trials as well, the report said. The reader was given a sample of 200 videos from the set used to train WLAS, and the videos played for 10 times longer than what they were played for the AI system.


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