Wednesday, September 6, 2017

My personal consulting services: the world of imagination

My personal consulting services: the world of imagination

By Jon Rappoport

First, a bit of background:

Someday soon, technocrats will begin assigning numbers and formulae to imagination. They will claim “quantified imagination” as their own—meaning it is a function of artificial intelligence (AI).

Remember, technocrats have one enduring quality: a limitless capacity for self-embarrassment.

Human beings use imagination because they envision something greater than ordinary reality. That’s where it all begins.

Humans use imagination because they want to exceed the stifling status quo.

AI “imagination” doesn’t exist. AI concocts constructs according to instructions and meta-instructions. It’s just another day at the office. And needless to say, there is no passion behind it. But don’t worry, the technocrats will get to that, too. They’ll claim AI has feelings and yearnings. They once read that in a science fiction novel when they were children, and they still believe it.

Humans use imagination because they are restless and at a deep level they know they are living in spaces that hem them in.

AI has no space.

You can program AI to execute five million paintings, but none of them would transmit meaning back to AI. AI would merely be carrying out one more exercise in “product-generation.”

Humans stop imagining when they turn themselves into an imitation of AI, when they decide the creative core of their being is an illusion. When they imagine there is no reason to imagine.

The individual and his life and his future are based on imagination.

In my personal consulting service, I work with imagination at different levels, depending on the client:

ONE: Expand the scope and power of imagination through specific exercises.

TWO: Work with imagination to discover a client’s profound desire to create something specific and make it fact in the world.

THREE: For a client who already knows what he wants to create in the world, utilize imagination to flesh that out, make it even more specific, and develop a strategy and a plan.

FOUR: For a client who is already creating an enterprise, improve the effectiveness of it and widen its scope.

Each of these four areas or foundations involves THE PROJECTION OF A NEW REALITY INTO THE WORLD.

Something that wasn’t there before.

Something that would never be there, were it not for the individual and his refusal to be perfectly satisfied with things as they are.

I answer inquiries at

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