Saturday, September 2, 2017

UN Showcases Lessons to Brainwash Children

From FreedormProject Educaton:

The United Nations, often ridiculed as the dictators club, has just released lessons to help indoctrinate people around the world into accepting the UN"s so-called “Agenda 2030,” also known as the Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs. While the propaganda targets humanity as a whole, the UN acknowledges that it is specifically aimed at youth, described in the SDGs as “critical agents of change.”

The latest UN scheme to brainwash people into supporting its radical agenda for globalism, socialism, and technocracy is a free course dubbed “Introduction to the 2030 Agenda: A New Agenda for a Sustainable World.” According to promotional materials, it is “designed to improve general awareness about the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals for policy-makers and the general public, especially youth.”

The course, developed with public money by the UN “Institute for Training and Research” (UNITAR) and the “Global Goals Educator Task Force,” also created other materials aimed at spreading the UN"s totalitarian ideology of “sustainable development.” It includes modules dealing with the UN"s sanitized version of the origins of the SDGs, “a call for transformative action,” “policy integration and synergies,” the “leveraging of resources” (aka your money), and much more.

The UN has also developed propaganda materials and lesson plans to indoctrinate children as young as kindergarten all the way through 12th grade. “The Task Force is also developing a database of global educators who are responding to a call to action within education to meet the SDGs, and creating a database of open and accessible resources, lesson plans and global projects aligned with the SDGs,” according to Lynn Wagner, the Group Director of “SDG Knowledge” for the tax-funded “International Institute for Sustainable Development.”

To read the rest of the artice, click here.

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