Thursday, September 7, 2017

The Role Of Aluminum In Changing Human Biology To Accept The Ionized Atmosphere We Live In: Part 3 Former CIA Officer Explains The Shadow Government and Deep State Roles In How Technology Makes It Possible

By Catherine J. Frompovich

Kevin Shipp is a former CIA officer in counter intelligence and supervising manager, who has become a whistleblower.  The CIA acts outside the U.S. Constitution and that’s what made and makes Kevin Shipp speak out.  He talks about the Shadow Government and the Deep State.  They are not one and the same; they are totally different with separate budgets.  They function secretly and not in conjunction  with our elected government.

We in the USA are supposed to have a Constitutional government.  The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the USA and supersedes all laws.  If the government violates the Constitution, it commits a felony!  So does any local or state government or administrative agency that violates the U.S. Constitution!

The shadow government is a matrix functioning going back years.  The deep state is below the shadow government and includes the military complex.  Both run the elected government from behind the scenes, according to Shipp.

Deep state is run by power, money and greed, says Shipp.  Shipp talks about how Hillary Clinton used that secret system to sell guns to you-know-whom?  Google works with the shadow government.

The former owners of The Washington Post, the Grahams, were members of the Council on Foreign Relations.  The CFR is a ‘global economic government’ according to Shipp.

President Harry Truman created the CIA in 1947, and there is no congressional oversight over the CIA!

We lost our Constitution in 1947-48 with the institution of the CIA, according to Shipp.

The deep state is made up of the military industrial complex with Congress tied in very deeply via financial interests through its contributions, according to Shipp.  The Federal Reserve and Wall Street also are tied in, according to Shipp.

To get money to run their operations, the shadow government and the deep state have to keep the USA in a state of perpetual war!

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