Sunday, September 17, 2017

Victory Achieved in Syria?

Victory Achieved in Syria? | syrian-flag | Special Interests World News (image: Joseph Eid/AFP/Getty Images)



Yogi Berra was right, saying “(i)t ain’t over till it’s over.” Things are heading in the right direction in Syria, miles yet to go to liberate the country from the scourge of America’s presence and terrorist groups it supports.


Each day brings more good news than bad. On Tuesday, Russian armed forces chief of staff in Syria General Alexander Lapin said: 

“At present, 85 percent of the Syrian territory has been liberated from the militants of illegal armed formations.”  

“About 27 square kilometers (10,424 square miles]) of Syrian territory remain to be liberated until the complete annihilation of” US-supported ISIS.


Defeating US-supported al-Nusra (al-Qaeda in Syria) remains a formidable task to achieve. Encouraging news reported by AMN News said “(a)t least five Syrian rebel groups associated with the Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) organization, a coalition of Syrian rebels closely linked to Al-Qaeda, have announced their defection, marking another episode in a recent string of defections affecting HTS.”


Others are expected to follow suit. HTS commander/religious leader Abdullah Muhammad al-Muhaysini left the group hours after leaked audios revealed widening rifts among al-Nusra commanders, at least 10 senior ones defecting days earlier, surrendering to Syrian forces.


Northern Syria remains occupied by Turkey, America and terrorists it supports. Washington came to stay. Liberation won’t come easily.


US-backed terrorists aim to prevent Syrian and allied forces from fully liberating Deir Ezzor, moving in from the northeast, government and allied forces, greatly aided by Russian airpower, from the west. 


A possible clash looms, despite  a terrorist spokesman saying their fighters won’t attack Syrian forces. 


Washington’s aim is controlling as much Syrian territory as possible, intending permanent occupation, similar to plan for Afghanistan and Iraq.


How Damascus and Russia contest this aim remains to be seen.


Separately, Hezbollah’s leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah declared victory in the country, saying “(w)e have won…the war…and what remains are scattered battles.”


On Monday, Sergey Lavrov said “(s)ince the very beginning, we have consistently taken a very clear stance. Everyone who is on the Syrian soil or in Syria’s airspace without the consent of the Syrian government violates the international law.” 

“Russia, as well as the representatives of Iran, including the representatives of the Hezbollah movement, are working here (by) direct invitation of Syria’s legitimate authorities.” 


“(S)ome unwelcome (elements) with arms in their hands are in Syria’s territory. As we saw a possibility to cooperate with (America) in the war on terror in the interests of all Syrian citizens, such contacts were established.” 

Washington remains the mortal enemy of Russia, Syria and all other sovereign independent countries.


The battle to liberate Syria “ain’t over till it’s over.”

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