Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Man dies at Burning Man festival after jumping into the fire

BLACK ROCK DESERT (INTELLIHUB) — Eyewitnesses say that a man by the name of Aaron Joel Mitchell, 41, jumped into a symbolic structure called the ‘burning man’ just minutes after it was set ablaze Sunday night, ending his life.

Hundreds of people watched in horror and many left in what officials have described as a ‘mass exodus’ which took place shortly after Mitchell ran into the flames killing himself.

Mitchell’s body was taken to California via helicopter where an autopsy was performed.

UC Davis toxicology reports show that Mitchell was not under the influence of any drugs or alcohol at the time of his death.

Organizers of the event issued the following statement: “Now is a time for closeness, contact, and community […] Trauma needs processing. Promote calls, hugs, self-care, check-ins, and sleep.”

Warning: The following video contains graphic imagery.

Featured Image: Billie Grace Ward/Flickr

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