Sunday, September 17, 2017

This Hilarious Retweet From President Trump Has Liberals Completely Freaking Out

If there’s one thing we know about President Donald Trump it’s that he is probably the most transparent President in history insofar as sharing his personal views is concerned. If he’s thinking it, then there’s often a chance that the rest of the country will soon know about it via his social media sites. Of course, his off-the-cuff remarks are often a bit too controversial for his detractors to handle, and a recent Retweet of a meme he happened across online and shared with his 38.5 million followers is no exception:

As you can imagine, Social Justice Keyboard Warriors immediately sprung into action.

But some folks realized it was meant to be funny and had nothing to do with ‘violence against women’

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Author: Mac Slavo
Views: Read by 699 people
Date: September 17th, 2017

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