Monday, August 14, 2017

Podcast: Blacklisted Radio 8.13.2017

Listen to “Blacklisted Radio 8.13.2017” on Spreaker.

Talk On this edition of BLN, Doug speaks about:

Charlottesville violence – Unite the Right Rally took place on Saturday – Idiots with torches
The move to get rid of the confederate history in America is wrong
The government has no place in deciding how people think about one another
Failed millennial living with his mother runs people over at the rally
Charlottesville mayor says that there is a direct tie between the alt-right and Trump
You have the right to say things but not to run them over
Mismanagement of their wealth leads people to bad pleasures
Investigations on Netanyahu continue – Israels interests met because the media say so
It’s guesstimated that Alex Jones is making around 7.5 million in sales alone each year
AquaBounty Salmon poisoning you with GMO among their anti-Trump rhetoric

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