Monday, August 14, 2017

MeeT The Nu Un...

I had a dream about one of those the other night.

What is it?

It looks like a combination of all the things I never wanted to ever dream about rolled into one.

Ms Creature just looked at it and said they might want have it DNA tested to see if "it" and I am related. (Full disclosure - I just won $20 from her on a legal question we bet on last night and she is still stinging from the defeat.)


~~~~))) ...Who"s Your Nanny, Daddy?... WooKieCski? ... Who?... (((~~~~

Or who does your daddy, Eric The Asshole Schmidt, let you play with?

Oh wait, he has some jackass, Pichai Sundararajan, decide that for you so he can stay out of the fray and maybe play "Good Cop" later maybe? ........... Once we get tied of the Swami Internet Cop telling us what we need to see and don"t need to see.

Pichai passes the buck to the nanny, Susan Diane Wojcicki in the nursery. ... The Internet Naaaaaaaaanny controls the remote for the TV and keeps it on the Sesame Street Channel for all of us impressionable children. ... Stunt monkey breeder that she is.

Time to start migrating to some place like Steemit for videos, We The People. =

Here is a truth teller that had to split for a MUCH BETTER VENUE. =

YouTube (and Google) want to be your nanny, the thought cops and the arbiter of right and wrong and "truth".

I don"t know about you, but I"ll make those decisions for myself.

Go charm some other dumb reptiles, you Google control freak assholes.

This snake doesn"t do charming, and fall for movements of the flute,..........but thanks for playing, Eric & Co.

Then we come to CNN. ...... A special case of deceit, out-right lies and treachery.

But then again that"s what the CIA propaganda arm is all about.

Just keep thinking "Lying Asshole - Agent" when you think of Jake Trapper and CIA=CNN.

Day 296.01 - Fighting Back Against CNN =

Day 296.02 - Oooh, Donny, I Love Spooks Named Donny =

Day 296.03 - Donny - Shout-Out Part II - Need A Cleaning Lady? =

Day 296.04 - Visiting The Dark Side =

Day 296.05 - A Visit To Time- Warner..... Been There, Done That And Have The Torn T Shirt To Prove It Myself =

George gets ejected from the building at Time-Warner! ...... Well, at least they let me show myself out.

Live Hard, Time To Find New Ways To Communicate And Stay Informed BEFORE The Old Compromised Ways Go Down Or You Leave In Discus Disgust, Die Free

~ DC v7.4

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