Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Charlottesville: Reporters Should Leave the Opinion Writing to Us Pundits


After a couple of years during which Donald Trump has done so much to make the jobs of those of us in the media easier and more entertaining, I am starting to see a pattern.

First the Donald says something of which my fellow members of the media strongly disapprove.

Then they take to their computers and TV screens to declare that "This time he"s really gone too far."

Much speculation about his replacement by someone less interesting ensues.

And then the Donald mounts a counterattack that deflates the media narrative — until next time, when he will once again go too far and start the cycle over again.

The coverage of this Charlottesville incident offered a classic example.

An account of the events that day by reporters for the Hill began "Clashes between "alt-right" white nationalists and counter-protesters turned this Virginia college town into a battlefield on Saturday..."

The article then detailed violent attacks by both sides, including one in which the counter-protesters attacked an SUV full of alt-righters who were trying to leave the area.

To read the rest of the article by, click here

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