Tuesday, August 15, 2017

It’s Not Over: “How The US Could Lose A War Against North Korea And End Up In Ruins”


By now everyone is thoroughly inundated with information regarding the stances and standoff between President Trump and the U.S., and Kim Jong-Un and North Korea.  This is where “oversaturation” can lead to ignoring what is going on, followed up by complacency.  Americans in general have low attention spans and become easily bored with or tired of a situation that is ongoing.  The Vietnam war is a prime example of this, and that was followed with the second war in Iraq.  In both instances, growing public dissension and the time factor were the two biggest “death rattles” for both conflicts being discontinued prior to completion.

The point here is that the American people had more “patience” with World War II…a clear and real danger on all fronts by numerous enemy nations.  The standoff with North Korea is not anything new: it has been in full gear, now, for about ten years.  It was only through the intentional “laissaiz-faire” policy of Obama that North Korea has been able to reach its present state, where it constitutes a real threat: “real” meaning that it can strike the United States with a nuclear attack.  In the past three to four years, that capability has increased exponentially, and now their response (if we attack) or their own first strike is viable.

There is an important article that was submitted to All News Pipeline on August 12, 2017.  As a matter of fact, the article is so important that it truly eclipses all the different pieces previously released.  Stefan Stanford and Susan Duclos of All News Pipeline have been tireless and undaunted in their efforts to release as much information as they have over the years concerning North Korea, EMP Strikes against the U.S., and the current march toward a second Cold War.  I am printing it here because this time right now is almost a “limbo” period…awaiting the two nations and their leaders’ decisions whether there will be a war or whether it will be avoided.

The bottom line: there are people who need this information, and it just may help them to make the decision to prepare or not.

Stefan and Susan should receive an award for their timely and accurate reporting on such a subject as this potential war with North Korea.  I have also written this before, and I stand by it now:

It is better to be prepared and “wrong” 1000 times than to be unprepared and “right” just once.

There is no “right and wrong” in this: there’s either acceptance of the possibility and preparedness, or there is denial and unpreparedness.  We have a sitting President of the United States who, when asked by a reporter (Katy Tur of NBC) on August 11th in New Jersey about whether we’re going to war, responded with “I think you know the answer to that.”

Really?  Well, if you have common sense, the answer in your mind should be “yes,” and it’s better to prepare yourself for that possibility than to be caught napping.  In addition, according to North Korea’s State run news agency, North Korea is on standby to strike the continental U.S. with a nuclear attack.  You can read about it here, entitled North Korea on Standby to Launch at Mainland US.  Apparently, the Pentagon has a first-strike option both on the table and ready to initiate when the President desires.

There have been a lot of theories as to why North Korea is keeping its options open, and one that is very plausible has to do with what we (the U.S.) did in both Libya and Iraq to overthrow their leadership respectively.  Un is not going to be toppled in that manner.  The “sanctions” are not going to work.  In addition to this, China has stated that if the U.S. attacks North Korea first, that they (China) will prevent it from happening.  If North Korea attacks, they will remain neutral.  Supposedly they will remain neutral.

One thing I wish to mention for your consideration.  There is so much focus placed on the immediate area of conflict…the bolstering of forces on Guam, two U.S. aircraft carriers heading toward the Korean coast, and the Japanese and South Koreans conducting training exercises with American forces…that attention is taken away from Un’s primary target.  That target is the United States.  While the diversionary action (3 or 4 nukes “busted” in the vicinity) takes place, either a submarine off the California coast or an ICBM can deliver the big payoff, as I’ve mentioned before:

The next world war will be initiated by an EMP strike against the U.S., followed by an exchange of nuclear weapons and then with war between conventional forces.

Allow Dr. Pry’s words, here, to “sink in” to help you formulate a judgment on the subject and a plan.  The article by Dr. Pry is important for a couple of reasons.  First and foremost, for who he is: this man is America’s foremost expert on the EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) threat against the United States.  Secondly, as an analyst pursuing such matters in the Central Intelligence Agency and the lead spokesperson to Congress on that threat, he is well aware of the significance of such an attack both against the U.S. and regionally (against Japan, South Korea, and the U.S. forces in the area).  It is within both perspectives that Dr. Pry addresses the topic, and he makes a plea to the President at the end of it.

You can reach it at All News Pipeline, entitled “This ‘Politically Correct’ But Horrific Scenario Details How The US Could Lose A War Against North Korea And End Up In Ruins,” with some info graphics and pictures.

Here is the article reprinted to save some time, as the message is critical and should be posted on every major conservative and independent site.  I hope it guides you to make the right decisions for yourself and your family.

Submitted to All News Pipeline by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry

North Korea has nuclear-armed missiles and satellites potentially capable of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. EMP is considered by many the most politically acceptable use of a nuclear weapon, because the high-altitude detonation (above 30 kilometers) produces no blast, thermal, or radioactive fallout effects harmful to people.

EMP itself is harmless to people, destroying only electronics. But by destroying electric grids and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures, the indirect effects of EMP can kill far more people in the long-run than nuclear blasting a city.

In this scenario, North Korea makes an EMP attack on Japan and South Korea to achieve its three most important foreign policy goals: reunification with South Korea, revenge upon Japan for World War II, and recognition of North Korea as a world power.

Revenge against Tokyo is a convenient rationale for someday attacking Japan. War against Japan will be necessary for the North to conquer South Korea, as Japan is an indispensable staging area for U.S. and allied forces defending South Korea.

North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong Un, is the scion of three generations of totalitarian rule, a megalomaniac and ruthless murderer described by state media as a demigod having supernatural powers.

Kim’s strategy is to sever U.S. security guarantees to South Korea and Japan by raising the stakes too high—raising the specter of nuclear war—and through “nuclear diplomacy” to cow the U.S. and its allies into submission.

In this scenario, North Korea detonates a nuclear weapon at 96 kilometers HOB (height of burst) over Tokyo. The EMP field extends from the Japanese capital to a radius of 1,080 kilometers, covering all of Japan’s major home islands.

Virtually all of Japan’s major military bases and seaports are covered by the EMP field, rendering them inoperable. Traffic control towers and systems are damaged and blacked-out stopping air and rail traffic. Highways are jammed with stalled vehicles. Communications systems are damaged or destroyed or in blackout.

Worse, Japan’s population of 126 million people is at risk because suddenly there is no running water or food coming into the cities. EMP induced industrial accidents are happening everywhere. Gas pipelines are exploding and turning into firestorms in towns and cities. Refineries and chemical plants are exploding, releasing toxic clouds and poisonous spills. Tokyo knows from the experience of Fukushima that as the nationwide blackout becomes protracted, within days Japan’s nuclear reactors will exhaust their emergency power supplies and begin exploding, contaminating the home islands with radioactivity.

As a consequence of the EMP attack, Japan’s critical infrastructures are paralyzed and incapable of transporting U.S. forces to aid South Korea. Indeed, with Japan’s survival at risk, Tokyo would probably oppose any effort to help South Korea by U.S. forces staging from Japan, fearing another North Korean EMP attack.

The EMP field also covers the eastern half of South Korea, including the vital seaport of Busan (the key to South Korea’s survival and U.S. victory in the last Korean War). All the eastern coastal seaports, and all military bases and airfields in the eastern half of South Korea (nearest Japan) are under the EMP field.

The EMP field does not extend to North Korea.

Left uncovered by the EMP field are the western half of South Korea, including Seoul, the capital, and the major highway systems radiating around and from Seoul southward—the best invasion routes. Stalled traffic from the EMP will not be blocking Seoul or the highways.

U.S. and South Korean forces covering the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) will not be covered by the EMP field. The EMP field, in their immediate rear area, will cause cascading failures of the electric grid throughout the DMZ and the entirety of South Korea.

Thus, even those U.S. and South Korean forces not covered by the EMP field will be in a paralyzing protracted blackout that will cripple or deny allied forces communications, transportation, food and water, supplies and reinforcements from South Korean bases or from overseas.

The EMP attack creates conditions for North Korea’s conquest of South Korea that are ideal.

North Korean armor and infantry pours across the DMZ, thrusting through and around Seoul and down the coastal highways, flanking U.S. and allied forces paralyzed by EMP and unable to maneuver.

U.S. nuclear missiles and bombers start blasting North Korea’s nuclear forces and underground bunkers where the Dear Leader may be hiding. Now Kim Jong Un knows he has miscalculated. The U.S. is no paper tiger.

In a final act of vengeance, Kim detonates the super-EMP warhead in his KMS-4 satellite, blacking out the United States.

Airliners crash. Communications and transportation stop. Natural gas pipelines explode, causing firestorms in cities. In seven days, 100 U.S. nuclear reactors go Fukushima. In a year, most Americans are dead from starvation.

The United States, Japan, South Korea, and North Korea are in ruins.

Russia and China are the winners.

Mr. President, harden the U.S. electrical grid to defend against an EMP attack, and shoot down those North Korean satellites!”

Pay close attention in the days to come, and when you decide on what actions to take, then take them with a clear head and decisively.  It is better to be prepared for a thousand days than to be unprepared for one, and the best plan that is not acted upon has no merit when the time comes that action is called for.  May God bless you and your families, and here’s to hoping that nothing happens and clearer heads prevail, although the odds are against it.

Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne).  Mr. Johnson is also a Gunsmith, a Certified Master Herbalist, a Montana Master Food Preserver, and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape).  He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. You can follow Jeremiah’s regular writings at SHTFplan.com or contact him here.

This article may be republished or excerpted with proper attribution to the author and a link to www.SHTFplan.com.

Also Read:

Crisis On The Horizon: Will It Be Economic Collapse? Global Civil Unrest? War? We Won’t Have To Guess Much Longer…

Massive Government Preparations and Stockpiling Point To One Thing: “An Event Is Going To Happen”

A Global Catastrophe Is Being Orchestrated By The Elites: “There Are Many Things The President Does Not Know”

The Threat Is Real And Imminent: The Next World War Will Be Initiated By A First Strike Utilizing An EMP Weapon

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