Monday, August 14, 2017

BREAKING: Dashcam Released Showing Cops Rape Woman on Roadside, Looking for Pot


Houston, TX — As the Free Thought Project previously reported, Charnesia Corley, a 21-year-old college student at the time, was stripped naked and given a body cavity search on the side of the road by Texas cops. Now, following the announcement of a federal civil rights suit against the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, the full dashcam video of the incident has been released.

Surrounded by Black Lives Matter activists at a press conference Monday, Corley’s attorney, Sam Cammack berated the sheriff’s office, calling for the deputies—Ronaldine Pierre and William Strong— to be on trial instead of having their charges dropped.

“There has been no material change of fact,” Cammack said. “If what those officers did to Miss Corley was not mistreatment — did not amount to rape — I don’t know what is.”

As the Chron reports, Cammack called for a special prosecutor to investigate the allegations and, presumably, take the officers to trial for official oppression.

He also raised the spectre that the District Attorney’s Office was collaborating with the County Attorney’s Office, which is representing the county in the lawsuit.

“After we filed, we know there’s been conversations between the county attorney and the district attorney’s office,” he said. “They even shared our depositions of Ms. Corley with the district attorney’s office.”


The incident was so horrific that the cops involved in the public rape were originally charged with official oppression. However, like most cops who get charged with a crime, this month, those charges were dropped.

A grand jury cleared Strong and Pierre of official oppression earlier this month. It was the second time the case against them had been presented. The first time, under the previous DA administration, a grand jury indicted the officers and former Sheriff Ron Hickman was furious.

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Last week, as ABC 13 notes, the District Attorney’s Office took the cases to a second grand jury, who dismissed the charges. Court documents note the reason as “grand jury action.”

“They were already indicted and set for trial under the old administration and the new administration no bills them, finds a grand jury that will no bill them and they claim it’s based on new evidence,” Cammack said.

However, that ‘new evidence’ is nothing more than medical records the state always had, according to Cammack.

Cammack is now stating that the video is all the evidence they need to get these deputies charged. When watching it below, you will know why.

Naturally, however, an attorney for one of the officers blamed the victim and claimed Corely was only naked because her pants fell off while she was resisting.

Conveniently, however, no explanation was given as to why the deputy never put her clothes back on.

When Corley protested, “the deputies forcibly threw Ms. Corley to the ground, while she was still handcuffed, pinned her down with her legs spread apart, threatened to break her legs, and without consent penetrated her vagina in a purported search for marijuana,” according to the suit.

The video of the encounter, which lasted over an hour, shows a polite encounter between Corley and the officers — up until the alleged rape occurs.

“She tells me to pull my pants down. I said, ‘Ma’am, I don’t have any underwear on.’ She says, ‘Well, that doesn’t matter. Pull your pants down,’” Corley said.

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Because Corley didn’t want to be raped by a Texas cop, she was charged with resisting arrest.

“I bend over and she proceeds to try to force her hand inside of me. I tell her, ‘Ma’am, No. You cannot do this,’” Corley explained.

At this point, the deputy is seen forcing Corley to the ground as the other deputy appears to stand guard. The result is nothing short of horrifying.

Throughout the dashcam video, we can see the deputy’s hand disappear inside the vaginal area of Corley. This insanity goes on for what seemed like a lifetime to the 21-year-old innocent college student who had no criminal record.

The dashcam view of the sexual assault was partially blocked by the car door. However, we can clearly see Corley on her back, with no pants on, as the deputy shines the light at her vaginal area and prods her with her blue-gloved hands for more than ten minutes.

The claims that the deputy merely searched the exterior of her body hold no water for the simple fact that a naked woman should not take over ten minutes to search.

As TFTP previously reported, when viewing the horrifying video below, ask yourself what society would think about people — if they didn’t wear a uniform and a badge — who did this to a woman. Would anyone in their right mind claim that nothing criminal happened if the perpetrators weren’t cops?

Remember, all of this was because this cop claimed to smell a plant.

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