Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Establishment GOP consultant Rick Wilson calls for lynching fascists after previously labeling President Trump one

(INTELLIHUB) — Establishment GOP consultant and deep state operative Rick Wilson has called for lynching people he deems to be “fascists” after previously labeling President Trump a fascist on multiple occasions.

Fresh off of calling for a GOP civil war to take out the president, Wilson has gone off the deep end by using the Charlottesville attack to imply that the president may need to be lynched.

“I like my fascists the old-fashioned way; dead, hanging from lamp-posts as we liberate their victims,” Wilson stunningly posted on Twitter.

As noted above, Wilson has previously labeled Donald Trump a fascist on multiple occasions.

First in February 2016:

Then again in June 2016:

And one more time in October 2016:

Amazingly, Wilson’s attacks on Trump go as far back as October 2015 when he appeared on MSNBC to call for taking out the eventual president.

“They’re still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump,” Wilson said. “And that’s a fact.”

More recently, Wilson publicly called for a civil war within the Republican Party that would eventually lead to Pence becoming president.

“In a you have to see it to believe moment, noted anti-Trump operative and GOP strategist Rick Wilson has encouraged Democrats to “fan the flames” of a coming conservative civil war,” Intellihub News reported.

“Wilson, in a series of Tweets, was responding to reports of a shadow campaign for 2020 and Vice-President Mike Pence’s denial of such a thing.”

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Alex Thomas is an opinion journalist and editor for Intellihub News. He was a founding member of what later became Intellihub.com and an integral part of the team that destroyed the mainstream media blockade of Bilderberg in 2012. You can contact him here.

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