Saturday, August 19, 2017

Highway Wars: The Battle to Develop Eurasia

If we can only envision guns and bombs when we think about war, that is merely a failure of our imagination. Make no mistake: There are wars for geopolitical dominance taking place between various players around the globe right now, and it’s all happening without a shot being fired or a soldier on the battlefield.

For an example of this we need look no further than Asia, where there is a strange game of one-upsmanship taking place between bitter frenemies China and India, clear rivals for regional economic dominance who happen to also be buddy-buddy in the BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and other multi-lateral bodies.

No, I’m not talking about the dramatic border skirmishes currently taking place between Indian and Chinese troops. That’s the old, guns-and-bombs type of conflict that gets all the press. I’m talking about something much more subtle, much less headline-grabbing and, potentially, much more important for the future of the region, and, ultimately, the world.

Join James for this week’s edition of The Corbett Report Subscriber where he lays out the rules of the great game in our post-guns and bombs world of 21st century warfare.

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