Friday, July 28, 2017

One dead, four injured in Hamburg supermarket knife attack

Police in Hamburg have confirmed the arrest of a man on suspicion of killing at least one person and injuring four others in a supermarket in the city on Friday.

Die Welt reports that the man entered the shop in the Barmbek district shortly after 3pm and attacked people at random with a knife, killing one and injuring four others. He then fled the scene, but witnesses gave chase and overpowered the man, who was slightly injured. He was arrested shortly afterwards.

“After the attack he fled from the shop. Eye witnesses followed him out and were able to inform the police. Shortly afterwards officers arrested the suspect on the street in the vicinity of the shop,” a police spokesperson told Die Welt.

Police report that one of the four injured people was hurt seriously.

A video posted to Twitter shortly after 4pm showed many police cars and some firefighters at the scene.

German daily Bild published a picture of the attacker in the back of a police car with a white, blood-soaked bag over his head, and reported that he cried "Allahu Akbar" (God is Greatest) in the supermarket. The suspect has not yet been identified.

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