Saturday, July 29, 2017

Alex Jones warns that deep state could murder entire Trump family

Earlier this week it was revealed that a high-level Republican Congressman told Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne that forces operating behind the scenes were actively putting together a plan to “suddenly” remove Trump from the Presidency.

And while impeachment or indictment have been on the table for Democrats and anti-Trumpers since the day after he was elected to the Office, Howard-Brown says this is not the case with the current plan. Noting that we should “read between the lines,” he hinted that the President’s removal could well come in the form of assassination.

“He said there is a plot on Capitol Hill to take the president out, I said you mean by impeachment or by indictment – he said no, to take him out, he will be removed suddenly from office,” said Howard-Browne, before adding, “you can read between the lines”.

But Trump isn’t the only target, as Alex Jones explains in a recent Infowars video report:

This is real… They’re in publications trying to get it ready… They’re not just going to kill Trump… And believe me, they’re going to try and kill him… they’re not going to haul him before a court in chains and turn him into a super hero… he’s going to be a big enough martyr already… They’re going to try and politically destroy… then kill him… then bring out horrible lies about him so he can’t defend himself… and then they’re going to go after all the opposition…

If they get Trump they’re going to get Ron Paul, they’re going to get Rand Paul, they’re going to get me, they’re going to get Matt Drudge, they’re going to get Sean Hannity, they’re going to get Rush Limbaugh…

They’re combined in this evil combination… this trifecta of the mainstream media, foreign corporations and the political class in this country that want to stay in control… you’ve got this evil combination… and all their minions that are useful idiots…

As for President Trump and his family, is there any doubt that nefarious forces who stand in opposition to his policies and vision for America would take the opportunity to end the movement he began if given the chance to do so?

He’s real folks… I can’t believe he has gotten this much done… they’re going to kill him… any day now… They’re going to blow him and his family up… they’re going to wait until they get the whole family together… they want them all… especially Donald, Jr.

Full report: Alex Jones reveals how the elite are planning a coup to overthrow Donald Trump:

Via SHTF Plan

Featured Image: Gage Skidmore/Flickr

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