Saturday, July 15, 2017

Miraculous Vaccines: Here They Come Again

Miraculous Vaccines: Here They Come Again | microneedle-patch-vaccination | General Health Medical & Health Science & Technology Sleuth Journal Special Interests Vaccines image:]

(The Real Agenda News) It is said to be as “efficient” as a traditional vaccine, but without the pinch and the pain.

How about the side effects?

I have written at length about the falsehoods pushed by the pharmaceutical industry and how these fraudulent “truths” become pillars to justify massive vaccination campaigns that never prevented, treated or cured any disease.

It is true; not all vaccines kill you, at least not immediately, but all vaccines do slowly kill you over time.

Despite clear evidence that vaccines never had any significant effect in preventing, treating or curing disease, there is a strong echo for new vaccines that will miraculously cure cancer or other difficult to treat medical complications.

A US scientific team has created a micro needle patch to replace the traditional syringe needle when it comes to getting a shot. That somehow has been dubbed as a revolutionary advancement of science.

It is a band-aid with a hundred needles, as thin as a hair, on the adhesive side that penetrate the surface of the skin.

The invention has successfully passed the first clinical trials of the flu vaccine, the results of which have been published in the British medical journal The Lancet, the same publication that hosts climate alarmism so-called anthropogenic global warming studies.

The patch pierces the upper layers of the epidermis, while regular injection of the flu reaches the muscle.

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University, who are responsible for the study, believe the invention could help boost immunization of the population, including children and other patients who fear needles.

Note that the invention is not highlighted for its safety, for example, but for its convenience. That is because most patients and most doctors still believe that vaccines are safe, even though they are not.

“The patch offers the same protection as a traditional but painless vaccine. You have to apply it on the wrist and make enough pressure to make sure the microneedles will penetrate the skin.

After 20 minutes, the patch is removed. At that time, the micro needles will have dissolved between the skin, along with the vaccine,” said Dr. Nadine Rouphael, one of the leaders of the research.

Rouphael argues that the improvement over traditional methods is that patches are simple enough for anyone to apply to themselves and do not need to be stored cold – they are stable at 40 ° C for a year.

“It does not generate acute waste, which allows people to get vaccinated at home. It could be an advantage for pandemic flu where mass vaccination is necessary,” he says. Dr. Rouphel does not mention that some of the most dangerous pandemics were caused precisely by vaccines themselves.

A hundred people between the ages of 18 and 49, who had not been vaccinated against the flu in the previous season, participated in the tests.

They were divided into four groups: one received a placebo patch, another the traditional injection vaccine, another had the patch applied by a medical team and in the latter, the patches were applied by the participants themselves.

The antibody level with the drug components in 28 days a supposed measure of immunogenicity of the vaccine (falsehood) was the same across all vaccination methods and did not have serious side effects, although some people experienced redness, itching and tenderness in the area of the skin where it had been applied.

More than 70% of the participants stated that in the future they would prefer this method to injection. See, people! Convenience. Not safety.

The creators of the patch, whose patent belongs to the biopharmaceutical Micron Biomedical and must be authorized for widespread use within five years, work on the development of versions for measles, rubella and polio. In reality disease such as polio have made a comeback thanks to the use of vaccines.

Last year the United States already approved a flu shot with a micro needle that also promises to eliminate the pain, and Australian scientists created a nano patch with needles even smaller than those of this flu vaccine.

“The preliminary results of these new routes of administration are quite good, the protective response is the same, and that opens the door to improving the coverage of the population,” said Amos García Rojas, president of the Spanish Association of Vaccines.

The traditional vaccine requires a special transport to keep it cold, in addition to that it can only be administered in medical spaces, which increases the cost and affects its availability.

For this reason, Garcia points out that the new method may be especially interesting for developing countries.

It is precisely in developing countries where this experimental product and others are first deployed under the excuse of advancing medical health in poor countries and it is exactly there where more people die from the same diseases that vaccines are supposed to prevent.

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