Thursday, July 6, 2017

Blue Apron Bloodbath - 'Hottest' IPO Enters Bear Market

It is a play for people with disposable income and who prefer convenient fresh food. The difference between this and Schwann is the fresh food part.

Is the stock investable at anything approaching the current price? I dunno... depends how many people are like me and are willing to pay $10/meal to have legitimately good food delivered every few days.... and what the margin is on said food and services. I"m not likely to invest, but so long as the food quality is good, the service is reasonable and the price stays around that price point, It isn"t worth my time to waste the gas to go knock around the local grocery store with screaming ESL kiddos climbing on my cart and navigating the 400# welfare queens you can"t pass in an aisle. I embrace the division of labor where someone else gets to do the grunt work and I add value and then enjoy a tasty meal.

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