Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Caffè con faeces–stunning discovery at UK coffee chains

A scientific study conducted on beverages sold at popular UK coffee chains Costa Coffee, Cafe Nero and Satrbucks have shown that the drinks test positive for fecal bacteria.

Costa was the worst offender with 7 out of ten samples testing positive for the waste based bacteria.

Tony Lewis of Britain’s Chartered Institute of Environmental Health has said of the findings,

“These should not be present at any level – never mind the significant numbers found”.

He said that the grave worry is that the fecal bacteria can cause numerous diseases in humans.

All three chains will investigate the claims thoroughly and will take measures to prevent such incidents in the future.

It is still unclear how the fecal matter got into the drinks but it is reminiscent of similar cases where beverages from a Coca-Cola plant in Germany were transported to Northern Ireland and arrived containing fecal bacteria. The root cause was thought to be self-styled refugees defecating in the back of shipping containers inside of cargo trucks.

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