Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Innocent Man Spends 90 Days In Jail After Police Mistake Drywall Powder For …

Innocent Man Spends 90 Days In Jail After Police Mistake Drywall Powder For Cocaine

Image source: Wikimedia

Handyman Karlos Cashe spent three months in jail because police were unable to tell the difference between drywall powder and cocaine.

Cashe was arrested after Oviedo, Fla., police conducted a field test on white powder in his vehicle and determined it was crack.

“I sat there 90 days knowing I was innocent,” Cashe told reporters.

He was unable to make bail because of a 2015 arrest that was for cocaine possession. But he since has gotten his life back on track and has a job.

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“I know for a fact [that] it’s drywall because I’m a handyman,” Cashe said. “I said that continuously during the arrest stop.”

The powder tested positive for cocaine in a field drug test, but charges later were dropped and he was released after a laboratory test determined the substance was not cocaine.

“That little piece of crack was under his seat thing,” an unidentified cop said in bodycam video obtained by WESH 2 television. Police tested the substance after a drug-sniffing dog located it.

Disturbingly, Cashe is far from alone. Last year ProPublica reported that hundreds of people have been jailed due to inaccurate field tests.

“I want them to restore what I lost for those 90 days,” Cashe said.

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