Wednesday, June 28, 2017

US Massacring Civilians in Syria While Pretending to Combat ISIS

US Massacring Civilians in Syria While Pretending to Combat ISIS | main-lead-longreads-syria-airstrikes | War Propaganda World News [image: Reuters]Civilians suffer most in all wars. In post-9/11 US conflicts, millions perished, were wounded or maimed for life, tens of millions more displaced.

For most, their welfare and futures were destroyed on the phony pretext of combating terrorism Washington created and supports.

Terror-bombing Iraq, Syria and other countries has nothing to do with liberating them from ISIS and likeminded groups – everything to do with imperial dominance, resource plunder and exploiting the people of ravaged nations.

Media scoundrels glorify them in the name of peace – supporting what demands condemnation. Opposing them is considered unpatriotic, the human toll of no consequence in all US wars.

Mass slaughter and destruction reflect strategic decisions taken in waging them.

America pretends to be combating ISIS in Syria while providing support.

Russia demands a clear explanation in detail about the US downing of a Syrian Su-22 aircraft. All that’s forthcoming will be Washington claiming the right of self-defense while pursuing naked aggression.

Moscow continues to believe accommodation with America can be found – despite consistent betrayal numerous times before.

Deals it agrees to are flagrantly breaching virtually always – proving it can never be trusted.

Chances for cooperation between Washington and Moscow are nil. Believing otherwise is foolhardy.

RT Arabic interviewed former Raqqa resident Abu Abdullah. In fleeing the city, a US-led airstrike killed his daughter, he explained, saying:

“Coalition planes struck the district of Dariya. I was with my daughter at the time, and just like that, she perished in the blast.”

“I lost my leg. More often than not, US planes hit civilians, not” ISIS as claimed.

The cold, hard true about US aggression is that “mostly civilians (are dying) in the Dariya district, (including) the agricultural university, the Al-Hal market, (and) hospitals. All these buildings suffer from coalition bombings. No place is safe.”

The only way out of the Raqqa cauldron is by paying hundreds of dollars to smugglers, he said – likely also true in Mosul, US terror-bombing massacring civilians there as well.

Media scoundrels report none of this, suppressing the dark side of all US imperial wars – most Americans none the wiser.

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