Thursday, June 29, 2017

Watch: Kurdish Sniper Laughs After Narrowly Avoiding Shot To The Head

The Kurds have developed a fearsome reputation while fighting ISIS in Syria and Iraq. If anything, there probably isn’t any force in the region that has done more damage to the Islamic group, with fewer resources at their disposal. As for how they’ve managed to stem the tide, it helps that their fighters are pretty nonchalant in the face of death.

That attitude was on display in the following video, which shows a female YPJ soldier taking a shot at an unseen target in Raqqa, Syria. Immediately after she pulls the trigger, a bullet strikes the wall behind her, narrowly missing her head. Rather than responding with terror, she ducks and laughs off the bullet that almost killed her.

The video has since gone viral for obvious reasons. Her lack of concern is pretty mind-blowing. However, she might want to invest in a helmet before she goes back into battle. Despite the fact that modern military helmets are only designed to stop shrapnel and ricochets, they routinely stop bullets that have been fired from long distances.

And that’s why you always wear a helmet in a warzone.

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Author: Mac Slavo
Views: Read by 1,013 people
Date: June 28th, 2017

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